Sunday, August 2, 2009

Comments on Shelby's Blog: Racism being Mended

I enjoyed reading this commentary on a political subject because of the obvious issues it brings up. Shelby points out that races are defined differently in different situations and cultures. In America, I am afraid that we define mainly by looks, or assumptions. For example, our President is African American, but in actuality is half white. He looks black. This brings up the disturbing reality that we are defined by our physical characteristics. When asked to put down a race before taking a standardized test, it just puts a definition on our identities. I find it funny that on passport applications they ask us about physical appearance and what our race is, or at least how our country defines it as. Passports are used for international travel, and other countries have different races
On college applications we are asked what our race is, but not anything about our personalities. It is unfair that we are not just evaluated by the people that we are apart from our physical attributes. It is unfair that some are discriminated against for the color of their skin.
I appreciate what Obama is doing because he is trying to mend our nation’s past history of racial aggression and prejudice. He is taking it one beer at a time, and trying his best. He is a living testament to change.

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