Thursday, July 16, 2009

Opinions on Obama's Healthcare plan

This is an interesting article on the views of Obama's new health plan because it shows how the Senate is reacting to his plan.  The House Democrats plan makes provisions for every person to get health insurance in the nation, and it also would provide for families that financial assistance in meeting these measures.  The Senate is still working on their plan for healthcare reforms.  Obama wants the 50 million uninsured Americans to be insured by the fall, and he wants to slow the rate of insurance increasing.  I think that this plan is alright, but where will the money come from?  We are already in a recession and lots of people are still being laid off.  Do we really have the funds to supply this to all of those uninsured Americans?  I don't think so.  I think that we should target the lowest income level first to be insured, and test the waters with that.  Then if it goes well, we can add others to the insurance plan.  It would also allow more time to get funds.

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